Learning Communities & Self-learning Competences: An EPALE Talk with Jochen Robes and Dörte Stahl

On this EPALE Talk, Jochen Robes and I take a look at Learning Communities, at different forms and formats, from Communities of Practice to Working Out Loud, at examples and experiences, bringing together adult and continuing education perspectives in the process.

Our topics were:

  • Why do we think Learning Communities are important? And how do we see the connection to self-learning competences / capacities?
  • What forms of learning communities are we talking about?
  • What characterises a good / successful learning community?
  • What role do “presence” and “online” play in the exchange in learning communities?

Unfortunately, the video is only available in German; you may insert English subtitles.

EPALE Talk: Jochen Robes and Dörte Stahl talk about learning communities and self-learning competences.

An overview (also unfortunately only in German) of the following, unrecorded discussion is given by Jochen Robes here: https://epale.ec.europa.eu/de/content/epale-talk-learning-communities-und-selbstlernkompetenzen

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